Faeryscopes for January 2025
Click on your star sign to read your horoscopes this month!
Discover what the stars have in store for you with our daily horoscopes, offering insights and guidance tailored to your sign. Stay in tune with the cosmos and find clarity for life’s journey.
Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this sign from approximately March 21 to April 19 each yearAries Horoscope
Place your trust in yourself this month. Play your cards close to your chest. Look for action not words.
Be wary of anyone that is all talk and no action. Trust your vibes!
Lucky Day: 15th January
Lucky Crystal: Obsidian
In astrology Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac and is considered to govern between April 20 and May 20.Taurus Horoscope
This could be a very lucky month if you play your cards right. A fool and their money can be easily parted so be cautious around impulse purchases.
Use your common sense and you will gain some useful insights.
Lucky Day: 24th January
Lucky Crystal: Tigers eye
Under the tropical zodiac, the sun transits this sign between about May 21 to June 21Gemini Horoscope
Never look a gift horse in the mouth!
Give gratitude this month as there is blessings to be found even in the smallest of moments. The more you give gratitude, the more blessings that will flow your way.
Lucky Day: 11th January
Lucky Crystal: Opal
Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this area between approximately June 22 and July 22Cancer Horoscope
It’s time to turn a page! Have faith that everything will turn out ok in the end. Even if there’s change around you that can feel daunting , know you got this. You may have to set a new boundary. Use your intuition wisely.
Lucky Day: 28th January
Lucky Crystal: Citrine
The traditional Western zodiac associates Leo with the period between about July 23 and August 22Leo Horoscope
I am lion, now hear me roar!
Leo you are in fighting form this month! You may be gutting the house or turning things upside down! It’s all good as new energy replenishes the old. You are ready for change!
Lucky Day: 18th January
Lucky Crystal: Selenite
Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this area between August 23 and September 22Virgo Horoscope
Fool me once shame on you! Fool me twice shame on me! Use your common sense this month and set healthy boundaries. No is a full sentence! Another’s lack of planning is not your responsibility!
Lucky Day: 21st January
Lucky Crystal: Rose Quartz
The Sun transits this sign on average between September 22 and October 23Libra Horoscope
You may be planning holidays or thinking about where you would like to spend them this year! It’s time for an adventue! This year go somewhere brand new! Broaden your horizons! Let your curiosity guide you…
Lucky Day: 22nd January
Lucky Crystal: Hyperstene
Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this sign on average from October 23 to November 21Scorpio Horoscope
If you’re single an intense passionate love affair could be on the cards, but take your common sense with you or you could end up single by Valentine’s Day!
For my couples you may be thinking of a health kick or fitness routine! Support is key this month!
Lucky Day: 8th January
Lucky Crystal: Malachite
Under the tropical zodiac, the sun transits this sign between approximately November 22 and December 21Sagittarius Horoscope
Do not tolerate disrespect in any form. Sometimes Silence can shout louder then arguing. Take a step back and reassess your priorities. Get advice from a grounded individual. Be careful with your money this month.
Lucky Day:14th January
Lucky Crystal: Aventurine
Under the tropical zodiac, the sun transits this area from around December 22 to January 19Capricorn Horoscope
You are still in social form this month and may be planning meet-ups or catchups that you didn’t get round to in December. The joy that friends bring into your life. Make time for laughter this month.
Lucky Day: 23rd January
Lucky Crystal: Labradorite
Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun is in the Aquarius sign between about January 20 and February 18Aquarius Horoscope
You may start this month in a funny mood! That’s ok! Listen to your body and take things slowly if you need to. Music has the power to shift your energy so surround yourself with your favourite tunes this month and leave those winter blues behind!
Lucky Day: 30th January
Lucky Crystal: Sodalite
Under the tropical zodiac, the sun transits this area between about February 19 and March 20Pisces Horoscope
ou may be getting cross wires from another person or it seeing eye to eye with someone. Differences of opinion are fine but if someone is deliberately trying to press your buttons , stop being reactive and step back To observe their behaviour. You are in control of your emotions.
Lucky Day: 11th January
Lucky Crystal: Carnelian