I have published my own oracle deck!
January passed by in a complete blur of shipping out orders , working on the Enchanted oracle card course and being a full time medium!
The cards have been living in my head & heart for years. I’m so excited and equal parts terrified of launching something so deeply personal out into the world.
Fear keeps you stuck- forever second guessing yourself and that will never be me. I’ve never followed the ‘normal’ path or societal conventions.
I saw an amazing quote yesterday:
‘I have been absolutely terrified every moment of my life- and I have never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do.’
-Georgia O’ Keeffe
It resonated deeply with me as I’ve always felt things so deeply.
I’m also incredibly stubborn and if someone tells me not to do something……er let’s just say I’m ten times more likely to prove them wrong!
However, when I was late diagnosed with adhd I read about RSD – rejection sensitivity dysphoria. Everything started to make sense!
I would feel criticism so painfully, I couldn’t understand why people would put themselves in the spotlight as I felt they were making themselves targets for other people’s projections and opinions.
I feel that’s why I’m very careful who I share I’m a medium with.
I loved doing radio as people may recognise my voice but they never recognised my face!
This has changed over recent years since my instagram account blew up in 2020! I still get a shock being noticed when I’m out and about as I am a very private person.
However , my passion in getting people to believe in themselves and knowing they are supported by their ancestors outweighs the fear.
Every. Single. Time.
On the day of a demonstration , I can’t eat, I usually don’t sleep the night before. I’m continuously pacing until I get on the stage!
I surrender to spirit and I feel a confidence flood through me and I’m off!
When the show is finished I can finally relax and enjoy myself!
It never gets easier!
That’s the thing with fear.
It whispers to you. How you’re not bright enough, pretty enough , clever enough , skinny enough!
If we listen to it, we will never take a chance outside our comfort zones.
We are safe inside our comfort zones , everything has a sense of routine & predictability.
However nothing will happen.
There are times in life we have to feel the fear and do it anyway!
Yes we can fail, but we fail
On our own terms not on someone else’s. We find out what our limits are. I adore this quote from Theodore Roosevelt:
‘The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.’
That’s the thing about life.
We get this one chance.
This one beautiful , crazy world and we get to live in it at this exact moment in time.
What are the odds?
It’s been one of my greatest wishes to create my own deck.
I ploughed my own savings into it. I wanted complete control!
It’s been one of the best decisions ever! Now it could easily have gone the other way, and before you start with the ‘aren’t you psychic?’.
Yes, I got a good feeling but I’m not telepathic. There is no such thing as 100% certainty. As there are literally thousands of possible timelines & variations that can occur.
I’m glad I took a risk.
There is nothing like seeing a dream take physical form in front of you.
So do it. Begin it.
Believe in yourself and trust that the universe has your back and spirit will always give you a sign!